Power of Women’s Blood 1996

Making Art for the Spirit

Altar to the Power of Women’s Blood

Altar Installation at the Lab Gallery, San Francisco, 1996

Above: Detail of upper level of the altar showing The Power of Women’s Blood mixed media and clay sculpture
Below: Detail showing the base of the altar


Detail showing all three levels of the altar
Viewers were invited to make pouches with materials at the base of the altar: velvet cloth, gold thread, rosebuds.
Mixed Media: red, gold and pink sheer cloth, dark red velvet cloth, gold brushed rayon, The Power of Women’s Blood—a pit fired clay sculpture, Persephone’s Bowl—a pit fired clay bowl, Women’s Blood painting (menstrual blood on Arches Cover 13″X13″), rosebuds, gold thread, red garnets, brown-speckled cowrie shell, red-handled scissors; brass bell, money cowries, glass bowl filled with water, lit candle. © 1996, 2017