Invoking Creativity 1999

Making Art for the Spirit

Invoking Creativity from a New Foundation



detail view
Mixed media: Yellow satin, gold metallic cloth embroidered with pearls and paisley, specialty cloths in the Womanhood Stories Skirt, a print of the Avebury Goddess map on silk, printed and stamped pieces of silk and satin, butterfly image on paper, gold braid, safety pins, milagros, cowrie shells, brass beads, amber chips, heart gem. 15 1/2″ X 18 1/2,” © 1999


Invoking Creativity from A New Foundation

Altar-Cloth, Number 3
This Altar Cloth is both an invocation, and a prayer of gratitude. It is thanks to Oshun and my Avebury Ancestors for my own womanhood rite of passage, and an invocation that all women are enabled to have this experience. Elements of “a New Foundation” are ancestor reverence, nature worship (Orisha worship), and access to all women’s rites of passage.

Making Art for the Spirit, The Intersections of Feminist, Sacred & Creative Practice, Part VI, Reinhabiting Earth Body – The Journey of Return, 1999 and 2000; p.300; by Gail Williams © 2001, 2020.